Monday, August 1


Okay, I am so sorry.  I honestly didn't realize it's been over a week since I last posted!  I just checked and it said Sunday the 24th was my last post and I was like, "WHAT?!?  A WEEK HAS ALREADY GONE BY!  THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING TO ME!"

Because guess what.  I love love love it here and I truly, honestly, do not want to leave.

When I first got here to good old Mexico, there was a teacher from last semester who was still here, helping at another school or something.  She stayed at least a month longer before she went back home.  I remember thinking, "She is insane.  I can't believe she made it all the way to the end of the semester and decided to stay for a whole extra month.  I could never do that."

Well guess what people.  I am not exaggerating in the least when I say I could stay here for TWO more months and be so so happy.  I do not want to leave.

I love teaching, I love my family, I love Tehuacan.

And my Spanish is getting slightly better, which is awesome.  On Saturday a friend of Roberto's got married, so he took me, Elvira, and Evelia with him to the reception thing.  It was at this really nice place and there were these dudes serving us and guess what.  The server guy came up to us and since I was on the end, he asked me first what I wanted to drink and I totally understood and I answered, and he asked if I wanted ice and I said no and it was great.  Then later he was serving this soup stuff and he asked me to hold my plate up and I understood again and I did.  And later he was clearing off our plates so I gave him mine, but he told me to take my fork off and guess what.  I took it off.  So then I felt awesome because he probably thought I could speak Spanish since I answered all his questions and did everything he told me to.  It was great.  Oh ya then like 5 hours later he asked if I wanted anything and I said no.  Te he.

But ya, that wedding?  Wow.  You should really see these Mexican weddings.  They are so fun.  But as you can probably imagine, there is A LOT of dancing involved.  Like hours.  And as you know, I reeeaaaallllyyy can't dance.  My body just does not move and there is nothing I can do about it.  But it's fine because I have accepted that fact and I don't let it stop me.  So guess what I did.  I danced with Roberto.  Now keep in mind, Roberto was like born to dance.  He dances all the time, even just sitting there in the kitchen or something.  All the time.  So there I was at a Mexican wedding, dancing with a Mexican that was born to dance and he was trying to show me, but, uh, it was a failure.  So then he just made fun of me and all was well.  I got a cowboy had and like a hawaiian-ish hat and flip flops out of the experience.  And really, it was so fun.

We got home at 4:30 a.m. and then I was sitting in Sacrament at 8:00.  Two hours of sleep is what I ran on yesterday and I hardly even noticed.

So yesterday.  I went to a birthday party.  Do you realize how many birthday parties I have attended since being here?  Like seven thousand.  But really, there is one almost every week.  In fact, maybe there is one every week.  There was one on Tuesday, there was one yesterday, there is one next Sunday, wow.  But I love it.  The family is so cool!  We play games and talk and have fun and it's just great.  I taught everyone how to play Spoons so we played that forever yesterday and it was so fun!  And remember little Cesar?  He is too little to play by himself so he was just sitting there watching.  So I told Miguelito to trade me places and I was on Cesar's team.  He was so cute!  He would hold half the cards and I would tell him when to grab a cuchara and then he would smile so big and I would say, "Muy bien, Cesar!"  And he thought he was so awesome.  It was adorable.  And then he asked if he could shuffle.  So I gave him the deck and he said, "Mira, Breetahn."  And then he did the cutest attempt at shuffling I have ever seen and I told him he was awesome and both our days were made right there.

Then at like 7:30 me, Elvira, Roberto, Eli, and Eli's boyfriend went to this competition thing for these four girls who were turning 15 and that was quite the experience.  There was this man dressed as a woman hosting it and then like two more transvestite dudes performed for us.  Yaaaa.

But anyway, point is, it was fun and I feel like I am part of the fam and it's awesome.  At that competition thing, Elvira was standing on one side of Roberto and I was standing on the other and his arms were around us and he would say things in my ear since it was loud and I could understand!  And I didn't even have to read his lips.  He would just say something and I would answer and it was the coolest thing ever.  We rode in a taxi on the way home and this song in English came on (I can´t remember for the life of me what it was!) but anyway, we were all singing our hearts out.  Can you picture that?  Really.  I, Brittan, sat in the back of a taxi in Mexico last night in between my Mexican sister and my Mexican cousin and we were singing to the radio like there is no tomorrow.  Tell me that is not Heaven!

I could and would go on and on and on about how I am so in love with all of this, but for the greater good of everyone involved, I will now force myself to stop.

Entonces, peace out.

Oh, and to answer the commonly asked questions:
1.  I am coming home on August 17.  A major fiesta will ensue.  Just kidding.
2.  Sorry, but the souveniers for y'all are semi slash pretty much lame and already purchased and there´s nothing we can do about it.  I went on my last vacation like a month ago so that just adds to the fact that there is nothing we can do about it.  And I partially chose for it to be this way because I don´t want to stress out about getting everyone what they want and blah, blah, you know?  So sorry.  Don´t hate.

More ramblings:
1.  I have yet to vomit in this lovely country.  Yes I am the only teacher to accomplish this feat.  I just gotta hold out for 2 more weeks...
2.  Elvira and I beat the whole Crash Bandicoot 3 game on Saturday.  Guess who beat the final malo.  That´s right.  My childhood videogaming days are paying off.

Okay, for real I am stopping now.

But let me just say, when I get home, I can guarentee I won´t be able to force myself to stop talking about my Mexican life, so if you think you might tire of hearing about it, please kindly avoid me for like a month.  I won´t be offended.

You´ve been warned.

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