Sunday, June 19

Estoy Manejando en Mexico

Do you want to hear something crazy?

One day a couple weeks ago I was thinking to myself, "Man it's been like a month since I have driven a car.  This is unnatural.  I haven't gone this long without driving in like four years.  I love driving.  I really want to drive."

Two days later, on the way home from church, Elvira pulled the car over and said, "You drive."

Well, if you insist.

So I did.  And it was awesome.  And guess what.  I've driven almost every single day since then, except maybe two.  I'm now pro.  Remember how crazy these people drive?  Their weird rules that mean nothing and their speeding and speed bumping and strange construction ways?  It's all just odd.  Well I drive in it everyday and we always arrive safely at our desired destination.

There are two cars owned by this family.  The first one I drove was pretty easy to get used to.  The breaks are super touchy, but the gas takes a second to kick in.  It's tiny and easy to maneuver.  The second car?  Not so easy, which the fam finds hilarious because it's American.  But it's just so long and awkward, plus it's opposite from the first car:  the breaks never kick in and the gas just wants to go go go.  The cool thing about the second car though, is it's a convertible and I drove it with the top down at night.  It was ridiculously fun.

One time, while driving car number two, I came upon a speed bump that I didn't see.  So I went over it way fast and everyone screamed "STOP!!!" right before it happened.  I felt bad.  But then we all got over it and they still let me drive, so I think I'm okay.

But the cool thing about all this is that I was just thinking to myself, "I want to drive."  And then I did.  That same thing has happend three other times.

1.  I was thinking to myself, "I really love fruit and I eat it all the time at home, but I never eat fruit here.  Like, ever.  I really want some fruit."  The next day in my lunch there was an apple.  The day after that, another apple.  On Saturday I went downstairs for breakfast to find a bowl of freshly cut fruit in my spot, waiting for me to devour.  It was kiwi and mangos and pears.  So delicious.  The day after that I had an apple, an orange, and two plums.  The whole next week I had an orange in my lunch everyday.  And this week I got an apple and two guavas in my lunch everyday.  What the awesome!!

2.  As previously mentioned, the milk is not really refrigerated around here, which is not a problem to anyone's health, but it's a minor problem to the tastebuds.  So one day I was thinking, "You know, I kind of miss cold milk.  That would be nice right now."  That night?  Cold milk in my cereal.  The next morning?  Cold milk in my cereal.  Several times during the rest of that week?  Cold milk in my cereal.  Two hours ago, cuando Jorge y yo ate cereal?  Cold milk.

3.  Just YESTERDAY I was thinking to myself, "I'm in the mood for some banana bread right now.  That sounds delish.  When I go back home, I think I'll make some."  Then this morning, we ate fried bananas.  Guess what they tasted like.  Banana bread.  Only better.

As Grandma Webb would say, I'm not lucky, I'm blessed.

As if living in Mexico for the summer wasn't blessing enough.  I just don't get it.  

Heaven's inbox might be a little full of gratitude prayers right now.  Just sayin.


  1. Brittan E Plante :)

    So i dunno if my comments are working...but i have to keep trying! lol as everyone else as probably stated, I lovee lovee LOVVEE reading about your experiences! the great thing is i can always hear you saying it in your "Brittan-e" voice. Also, remember when you said we wouldn't be friends after we left USU? well yeah. You were wrong. I miss you & hope everything is well cuz you crack me up! LOVEE YOUU! <3 Carrie Dee

  2. Brittan, you are so funny, I know your new family will miss you sorely when it's time to leave them. What a great way for me to share your experience, I love your blog.

    Grandma webb
